New Movie Companies

As you may have seen there have been new places creating movies. For example Netflix, YouTube, Amazon, and more.zwe0t2In my opinion the fact that social media sites and online sites are making movies and TV shows is a great thing! We are no longer limited to just the same old companies ideas. Plus the great advantages each one can have.

d1d13e6db7YouTube is one of the sites that has a great advantage of movie making.

  1. They have ready-made actors.
  2. They have script writers.
  3. They have fans.

YouTube has a great standing in the creation process. Many great ideas will be spent at you tube.

One social site that can go into making movies is Facebook. Facebook can see what the people like. Facebook can get reviews and ideas from the users. Facebook movies could be a good standing in the long or even short run. I do not want to keep seeing the same type of movies over and over again, so I am all for the creation of new movie companies in the world.

I already enjoy Amazon, Netflix, and YouTube movies, so more varieties sound like a great idea. Heck even TV channels can create movies for the public to watch and love.

Video game companies can also make movies. With all these options there will bound to be at least one movie you will absolutely fall in love with. This is the internet and social media era of life in the U.S. so this was bound to happen at one point or another. Thank you for reading my ongoing rambling. I do not know how you feel about these new changes, but they can not be too bad. So all of you out there, give them a try to I hope you enjoy the new era of movies.

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